BirdLife Europe organised a series of five workshops that helped build capacity in NGOs to engage in grid policy and planning. Three were in newer EU Member States in which ‘projects of common interest’ are being planned, namely Slovenia, Lithuania and Romania. At the workshops, developers, authorities and NGOs discussed lessons from PCI planning in their countries, and how to develop further cooperation. A third workshop brought together representatives of BirdLife Europe’s national Partner organisations, all of which are leading bird and wildlife conservation NGOs, to jointly discuss with each other and TSOs the lessons from BESTGRID and how BirdLife can engage earlier and more effectively in national grid planning. The fifth involved representatives of Brussels-based European NGO networks such as Climate Action Network and European Environment Bureau. Here the focus was laid on EU grid and energy policy and the ways in which NGOs and their networks can help make grid development do more to protect nature and prevent dangerous climate change.
The full report about the events is available here.