The Ten-E legislation, regulating projects of common European interest (PCIs), has been in place for more than two years now. The first list of PCIs has been identified and first experiences when implementing the regulation have been gained. Almost for the same time, the project BESTGRID has been running: grid operators have been working with environmental groups and other stakeholders in pilot projects on the ground, testing new approaches and finding innovative ways of cooperation as part of the BESTGRID project.
It was always part of the BESTGRID project idea to generate insights of relevance to future PCIs. While the project will come to an end this autumn, the second list of PCIs is expected to be published by the end of this year. For us, this is the perfect time to draw first conclusions – both regarding the implementation of the Ten-E legislation and the lessons learned in two and a half years BESTGRID.
The workshop summary is available here.
09:15 Registration, tea & coffee
09:45 Welcome
Ilse Tant | Chief Corporate Affairs, Elia
Antonella Battaglini | CEO, RGI
10:00 Impacts of the regulatory framework on Projects of Common Interest
Leonardo Meeus | Associate Professor in Energy Markets, Vlerick Business School | Presentation
10:30 Projects of Common Interest: current status and outlook
Catharina Sikow-Magny | Head of Unit for Networks & Regional Initiatives, DG Energy
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Lessons learned from cooperation on the ground: BESTGRID’s pilot projects
12:45 Pitches for four table discussions
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Four table discussions:
15:30 Coffee break & poster session
16:15 Panel discussion: looking ahead – role of the European institutions in making PCIs a success
17:00 End of workshop
19:00 Networking dinner